§ 14-71. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Board means the construction regulation board of the city.

    Building code means the technical codes and regulations adopted by the city.

    Building official means the official in charge of the building division of the city or his designee.

    Building permit means a work permit issued by the city, including but not limited to structures, electrical systems, plumbing, mechanical systems or swimming pools.

    Certificate of competency means a local license issued by the city, as provided in this division, which grants the holder the privilege of contracting within the city.

    Certified contractor means a person having a certificate of competency in a contracting category for which the state department of professional regulation has developed and proctors a competency test.

    Contracting means, except as exempted in this division, engaging in business as or performing services as a contractor, attempting to sell services as a contractor, or negotiating or bidding for a contract to perform or sell services as a contractor. The term does not include selling or offering to sell completed residences on real estate, provided that such residences are constructed by a certified or licensed contractor.

    Contractor means any person who, for compensation, undertakes to, submits a bid to, negotiates a contract to, or does or attempts to, himself or by others, construction, repair, alter, remodel, add to, subtract from, or improve any building or structure, including related improvements to real estate, for others or for resale to others, and who is qualified and responsible for the entire project.

    Employee means a person who receives compensation from and is under the supervision and control of an employer who deducts FICA and withholding tax and provides worker's compensation, all as prescribed by law.

    Firm means any type of business organization, including but not limited to partnership, corporation, joint venture, association and individual.

    Journeyman means a person who is qualified to work as an employee for a registered or licensed contractor without supervision, and who may supervision unlicensed persons, laborers, helpers or apprentices in a particular trade as provided in this division.

    Journeyman card means a local license issued by the city, as provided in this division, which grants the holder the privilege of working as a journeyman within the city.

    Local license means a valid and current certificate of competency or journeyman card as a local specialty contractor as provided in this division.

    Local specialty contractor means a person having a certificate of competency in a contracting category as provided in this division.

    Occupational license means a valid and current occupational license as issued under the provisions of state statutes by any municipality or county of the state.

    Owner-builder means a person acting as a contractor to improve property which he owns and personally occupies, even though such person is not licensed as a contractor pursuant to F.S. § 489.103(7) or 489.503(6).

    Registered contractor means a person having a certificate of competency in a contracting category which was registered by the state department of professional regulation prior to October 1, 1992.

    Regulated contractor means any contractor required to have a certificate of competency as a prerequisite to working as a contractor as provided in this division.

    Regulated journeyman means any journeyman required to have a journeyman card as a prerequisite to working as a journeyman as provided in this division.

    Responsible managing employee or official means any agent or officer or employee of a general contractor who has authority to make administrative decisions, to hire, promote, transfer, lay-off, discipline other employees, or effectively to recommend such action, or to superintend work in progress, and who is available for consultation in the technical and administrative phases of his principal's business.

    Subcontractor means an individual or firm which enters into an agreement with a contractor to provide contracting services.

    Sub-subcontractor means an individual or firm which enters into an agreement with a subcontractor to provide contracting services.

(Code 1981, § 6-150; Ord. No. 1993-1, § 2, 3-16-93)

Cross reference

Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.