§ 18-56. Required information.  

Latest version.
  • No business tax receipt will be issued to any person in the city engaged in the business of fortunetelling, astrology, palmistry or other occupation professing to foresee or predict future or recall past events by any physical or spiritual means until such person shall furnish the community development director or his designee the following information:


    The place or places of residence of the person, firm or corporation applying for said business tax receipt for five years immediately preceding application.


    The address and nature of business engaged in for five years immediately preceding the date of application.


    The names and present addresses of all persons, whether adults or minors, connected with or associated with the proposed business or occupation.

(Ord. No. 1991-2, § 10, 2-5-91; Ord. No. 2007-13, § 16, 3-20-07)