§ 18-151. Revocation.  

Latest version.
  • Upon receipt of written information alleging that any individual, organization, agent or representative of any permittee under this division is misrepresenting or making untrue statements with regard to peddling, canvassing, or solicitation, transient merchant sales, solicitation by charitable organizations or has made untrue statements in the application, or that in any other way the solicitation has been conducted or is being conducted in a manner inimical to the protection of the health, life and property of the citizens of the city, and not in conformity with the intent and purpose of this article, or representing in any way that any permit granted hereunder is an endorsement of such solicitation then the city clerk shall give the permittee 24 hours' notice in writing that a hearing is to be held to determine whether there is cause to revoke the permit. If at the hearing the city clerk shall ascertain that the solicitation is not being conducted in conformity with this article, the permit may be revoked.

(Code 1981, § 12-62)