§ 26-5. General powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    City manager. The city manager shall have the following general powers and duties relating to emergency management:


    The emergency management director shall order emergency management forces to the aid of other communities when required in accordance with mutual-aid agreements or applicable state statutes, and he may request through the county emergency management agency, additional aid to the city in cases of disaster when conditions in the city are beyond the control of the local emergency management forces.


    The emergency management director may obtain vital supplies, equipment and other properties found lacking and needed for the protection of health, life and property of the people, and bind the city for the fair value thereof.


    The emergency management director may require emergency services of any city employee or appointive officer. If regular city forces are determined inadequate, the director may require the services of such other personnel as he can obtain that are available, including citizen volunteers. All duly authorized persons rendering emergency services shall be entitled to the privileges and immunities as are provided by state statute, the city charter and ordinances for regular city employees and other registered and identified emergency management workers and, upon demand, may receive appropriate compensation for their emergency employment.


    The emergency management director will cause to be prepared the basic plan herein referred to and will exercise his ordinary powers as city manager, all the special powers conferred upon him by the city charter and this Code and all powers conferred upon him by any statute or any other lawful authority.


    Coordinator of the office of emergency management. The coordinator of the city's office of emergency management shall have the following powers and duties: The coordinator of the office of the emergency management shall be responsible to the director in regard to all phases of the emergency management activity. Under the supervision of the director, he shall be responsible for the planning, coordinating and operation of the emergency management activity in the city. Under the supervision of the director, he shall maintain liaison with the county, state and federal authorities and the authorities of other nearby political subdivisions through normal administrative channels so as to ensure the most effective operation of the emergency management plan. His duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


    Development and coordination of plans for the immediate use of all the facilities, equipment, manpower and other resources of the city for the purpose of minimizing or preventing damage to persons or property; and protecting and restoring to usefulness governmental services and public utilities necessary for the public health, safety and welfare.


    Coordinating the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel of the city for emergency management purposes.


    Negotiating and concluding agreements with owners or persons in control of buildings or other property for the use of such buildings or other property for emergency management purposes and designating suitable buildings as public shelters.


    Coordinating the activity of all other public and private agencies engaged in any emergency management activity.


    Through public informational programs, educating the civilian population as to actions necessary and required for the protection of their persons or property in the event of disaster or attack, as defined herein, either impending or present.


    Conducting public practice alerts to ensure the efficient operation of the emergency management forces and to familiarize residents with emergency management regulations, procedures and operations.


    Assuming such authority and conducting such activity as the director may direct to promote and execute the emergency management plan.

(Code 1981, § 7.3-5; Ord. No. 1998-72, § 2, 11-17-98)