§ 26-6.4. Order of succession for director.  

Latest version.
  • During a state of emergency, if due to physical absence from the city, injury or illness, or any other type of incapacitation, the city manager is unable to serve as director or unable to fully exercise the emergency powers granted by section 26-6.3, any and all such emergency powers may be executed by the city officer next in the following order of succession, who shall serve as acting director until the removal of such disability which prevents the city manager from acting as director:


    Assistant city manager.


    Emergency management coordinator.


    Fire chief.

    Any person serving as director may designate, by name and in writing, a city officer or employee to act as temporary acting director in lieu of the designating authority. Such designation shall be valid for a period of not more than 24 hours from the time of such written designation.

(Ord. No. 1998-72, § 7, 11-17-98)