§ 2-92. Purpose, duties and functions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The purpose of the charter review board shall be to advise and assist the city council in reviewing and analyzing the city charter and potential amendments to be made thereto.


    The charter review board shall make recommendations to the city council as to proposed amendments, additions to or deletions from the city charter that would best serve the citizens and the proper organization of city government. Specific responsibilities shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


    Review and comment on proposed amendments, additions to and deletions from the city charter as proposed by the city council informally or in ordinance form.


    Review and comment on proposed amendments, additions to or deletions from the city charter as may be made by individual concerned citizens or citizen groups.


    Suggest the necessity or desirability of amendments, additions to or deletions from the city charter as determined by the board based on its own analysis and study of the city charter.


    Serve as a liaison or conduit between the citizens and the city council regarding matters relating to the city charter.


    Make reports to the city council, as necessary, regarding matters relating to the city charter.

    However, nothing within this division shall prohibit the city council from acting upon any matter not previously referred to or reviewed by the charter review board.

(Code 1981, § 2-67)