§ 2-117. Purpose, duties and functions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The environmental advisory board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the city council on environmental matters. The environmental advisory board shall represent the community's interest and serve as an information resource in matters relating to the planting and preservation of trees and the full and proper protection of the environment in the city.


    The environmental advisory board shall make recommendations to the city council as to tree planting, tree preservation and environmental policies and procedures in the city. In this regard the environmental advisory board shall exercise specific responsibilities as enumerated herein and, in addition, the city council may refer other environmental related matters to the environmental advisory board for study and recommendation. To accomplish these goals, the specific responsibilities of the environmental advisory board shall include, but not be limited to, the following:


    Assist in determining the tree needs of the community.


    Provide opportunity for combined public opinion and professional skill in the determination of community tree needs.


    Consider suggestions and criticisms and make recommendations to the city council.


    Assist the city forester in developing and updating a comprehensive urban forestry plan, including a community tree inventory.


    Assist in encouraging citizens, businesses and organizations to undertake individual tree planting projects.


    Maintain a reference library of materials relevant to city trees at the city planner's office.


    Assist in formulating environmental policies to be recommended to the city council.


    Review and comment on proposed policies, regulations and ordinances related to environmental matters in the city.


    Review and comment on state and federal action and activities which impact on the city.


    Review and comment on special environmental matters referred by the city council with the authority to conduct workshops, as necessary, in the performance of its duties.


    Suggest the necessity and/or desirability of special environmental assessment studies in the city to the city council.


    Provide environmental input and evaluation into major updates of or amendments to the city comprehensive land use plan.


    Make reports to the city council as necessary relating to environmental matters.


    Serve as a conduit and liaison between the city council and concerned citizens and environmental groups.

    However, nothing within this division shall prohibit the city council from acting upon any matter not previously referred to or reviewed by the environmental advisory board.


    The environmental advisory board shall serve in an advisory capacity to the city council on brownfield agreements for redevelopment and rehabilitation. The purpose, duties and functions of the environmental advisory board shall include acting as the brownfield advisory committee for the City of Port Orange, addressing agreements relating to redevelopment and rehabilitation of those areas or sites determined by city council resolution to be a brownfield area or a brownfield site, by:


    Receiving notification from the person responsible for the brownfield site rehabilitation (PRBSR) of that person's intent to rehabilitate and redevelop the site before actually executing the brownfield site rehabilitation agreement;


    Receiving and reviewing a copy of the draft plan for site rehabilitation from the PRBSR which should address those elements contained in F.S. § 376.80(5);


    Holding public meetings providing for public participation and receiving public comment on the proposed rehabilitation and redevelopment of the brownfield site, including future land use, local employment opportunities, community safety, and environmental justice;


    Providing comment and recommendations to the city council regarding the draft plan for site rehabilitation, with the ultimate purpose of achieving an agreement between the PRBSR and the city on redevelopment of the brownfield site pursuant to F.S. § 376.80(5)(i); and


    Receiving a copy of the final, executed brownfield site rehabilitation agreement from the PRBSR, and reviewing the findings in the site assessment report or the technical document containing the proposed course of action following site assessment.

(Code 1981, § 2-83; Ord. No. 1992-18, § 3, 7-7-1992; Ord. No. 2008-14, § 1, 5-20-2008)