§ 2-238. Service fee for dishonored check.  

Latest version.
  • A service fee not to exceed the amount listed below or five percent of the face amount of a check, draft or order, whichever is greater, up to a maximum fee of $60.00, is hereby imposed for the collection of a dishonored check, draft or other order for the payment of money to the city, a department, agency or activity of the city, or any city official. The amount of the service fee for each check, draft or order shall not exceed:


    Twenty-five dollars, if the face value does not exceed $50.00.


    Thirty dollars, if the face value is more than $50.00 but does not exceed $300.00.


    Forty dollars, if the face value is more than $300.00.

(Code 1981, § 8-5; Ord. No. 1989-26, § 1, 9-5-89; Ord. No. 1991-32, § 1, 11-19-91; Ord. No. 1999-16, § 1, 5-25-99)