§ 2-275. Local purchasing preference.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose. The city annually spends significant dollars on purchasing goods and services, and the dollars used in making those purchases are derived, in large part, from taxes, fees, and utility revenues paid by businesses located within the City of Port Orange. The city council has determined that funds generated in the community should, to the extent possible, be placed back into the local economy. Therefore, the city council has determined that it is in the best interest of the city to give a preference to local businesses consistent with the process set forth in this section.


    Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Florida business means a business having its headquarters and principal place of business within the State of Florida, and not within Volusia County, at least 12 months prior to the bid or proposal opening date, as evidenced by a valid business tax receipt or such other documentation, to the city's satisfaction, demonstrating the physical business presence of the firm within the limits of the State of Florida.

    Local business means a Port Orange business, Volusia County business, or Florida business as defined herein.

    Port Orange business means a business having its headquarters and principal place of business within the City of Port Orange at least 12 months prior to the bid or proposal opening date, as evidenced by a valid business tax receipt or such other documentation, to the city's satisfaction, demonstrating the physical business presence of the firm within the limits of the City of Port Orange.

    Principal place of business means the nerve center or the center of overall direction, control, and coordination of the activities of the business. If the business has only one business location, such business location shall be its principal place of business.

    Volusia County business means a business having its headquarters and principal place of business within the County of Volusia, and not within the City of Port Orange, at least 12 months prior to the bid or proposal opening date, as evidenced by a valid business tax receipt or such other documentation, to the city's satisfaction, demonstrating the physical business presence of the firm within the limits of Volusia County.


    Local preference process. Except where federal or state law, or any other funding source, mandates to the contrary, the city shall give preference to local businesses in the following manner:


    Competitive bids when seeking lowest and best responsible bid.


    Except as set forth in subsection (2), this subsection (1) shall apply to city solicitations for formal bidding procedure in accordance with 2-262, Code of Ordinances.


    Port Orange business. In any competitive bidding process where a bid submitted by a Port Orange business is within eight percent of the lowest and best responsible bid submitted by a non-Port Orange business, then the Port Orange business shall have the opportunity to submit, within five working days of the bid opening, a best and final bid equal to or lower than the amount of the original low bid. The bid shall then be awarded to the lowest and best responsible bidder.


    Volusia County business. In any competitive bidding process where a Volusia County business is within five percent of the lowest and best responsible bid submitted by a business other than a Port Orange business or Volusia County business, then the Volusia County business shall have the opportunity to submit, within five working days of the bid opening, a best and final bid equal to or lower than the amount of the original low bid. The bid shall then be awarded to the lowest and best responsible bidder.


    Florida business. In any competitive bidding process where a Florida business is within three percent of the lowest and best responsible bid submitted by a non-local business, then the Florida business shall have the opportunity to submit, within five working days of the bid opening, a best and final bid equal to or lower than the amount of the original low bid. The bid shall then be awarded to the lowest and best responsible bidder.


    Tied bid preference. In case of a tie between a local business and a nonlocal business, the local business shall prevail. In case of a tie between two or more local businesses, the following order of preference shall control: first priority to Port Orange business, second priority to Volusia County business, and third priority to Florida business.


    Competitive bids when seeking highest and best responsible bid for revenue generating solicitations.


    Except as set forth in this subsection (2), revenue-generating solicitations follow the same purchasing guidelines and solicitation requirements for the purchase of goods or services. Revenue-generating solicitations may include audit procedures which have been reviewed by the finance department. This subsection (2) shall apply to solicitations issued by the City of Port Orange that seek a revenue generating proposal, including, but not limited to, the following:


    Sale or lease of property.




    Wrecker services.




    Licensing services.




    Equipment and other personal property.


    Any other solicitations that will generate revenue to the City of Port Orange, consistent with City of Port Orange Code of Ordinances and as otherwise authorized.


    Port Orange business. In any competitive bidding process where a bid submitted by a Port Orange business is within eight percent of the highest and best responsible bid submitted by a non-Port Orange business, then the Port Orange business shall have the opportunity to submit, within five working days of the bid opening, a best and final bid equal to or higher than the amount of the original high bid. The bid shall then be awarded to the highest and best responsible bidder.


    Volusia County business. In any competitive bidding process where a Volusia County business is within five percent of the highest and best responsible bid submitted by a business other than a Port Orange business or Volusia County business, then the Volusia County business shall have the opportunity to submit, within five working days of the bid opening, a best and final bid equal to or higher than the amount of the original high bid. The bid shall then be awarded to the highest and best responsible bidder.


    Florida business. In any competitive bidding process where a Florida business is within three percent of the highest and best responsible bid submitted by a non-local business, then the Florida business shall have the opportunity to submit, within five working days of the bid opening, a best and final bid equal to or higher than the amount of the original high bid. The bid shall then be awarded to the highest and best responsible bidder.


    Tied bid preference. In case of a tie between a local business and a nonlocal business, the local business shall prevail. In case of a tie between two or more local businesses, the following order of preference shall control: first priority to Port Orange business, second priority to Volusia County business, and third priority to Florida business.


    Misrepresentation prohibited; penalty. Any business that misrepresents the local preference status of its firm in a proposal or bid submitted to the city shall lose the privilege to claim preference status, and shall lose eligibility to claim local preference status for a period of one year.


    Local preference not required. This section shall not be deemed to require the granting of a local preference, and nothing herein prohibits the award of a contract to a non-local business where such award is in the public interest.

( Ord. No 2015-16 , § 2, 5-19-2015; Ord. No. 2016-18 , § 1, 10-18-2016; Ord. No. 2019-3 , § 1, 1-22-2019)