§ 42-26. Cleanliness of property generally—Duty of owner.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Improved lot means any lot which improvements have been made, including, but not limited to, change of grade through filling or excavation, installation of water or sewer line, clearing of property to begin construction, or any other physical alteration which has significantly disturbed the natural vegetation on the site.

    Undergrowth means herbaceous plants, plants and grasses with stems that wither away annually as distinguished from trees or shrubs with woody stems that live from year to year.

    Unimproved lot means any lot which remains undisturbed and in a natural vegetative state.


    Purpose and intent. The city recognizes the need to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city through control and elimination of aesthetically displeasing and potentially dangerous accumulations of garbage, waste, trash, debris, junk and undergrowth. It is, therefore, the purpose and intent of this section to reduce or eliminate such conditions within reasonable limits by hereby establishing a duty and responsibility on the part of the owner of designated lots located within the city to keep such lot free and clear of garbage, waste, trash, debris, junk and undergrowth.


    Maintenance of commercial and industrial zoned lots. The owner of every improved lot, piece and parcel of land located within a commercial or industrial zone within the city shall keep each such lot, piece or parcel of land free and clear of all fallen trees and limbs and undergrowth exceeding 12 inches in height. However, nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require natural areas located within larger improved lots to be cut to a height less than 12 inches within such natural areas. Owners of unimproved vacant parcels in such zones shall similarly maintain such portion of their property as lies within ten feet of any improved property, any sidewalk, roadway or bicycle path.


    Maintenance of improved residential lots. The owner of an improved lot in a residential zone with lot sizes of one acre or less shall keep such lot free and clear of all fallen trees and limbs. All weeds, grass and undergrowth shall be cut to a height not exceeding ten inches. However, nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require natural areas located within larger improved lots to be cut to a height less than ten inches within such natural areas.


    Maintenance of unimproved residential lots. The owner of an unimproved lot in a residential zone with lot sizes of one acre or less shall keep that portion of his property abutting and within ten feet of any improved lot, sidewalk, street or bicycle path free and clear of all fallen trees and limbs, and all weeds, grass and undergrowth therein shall be cut to a height not exceeding 12 inches within such area.


    Garbage, waste, trash, etc., prohibited. The owner of every lot, piece and parcel of land located within the city shall keep each such lot, piece and parcel of land free and clear of garbage, waste, trash, debris and junk.


    No property maintenance permit required; other restrictions and requirements applicable. No permit shall be required for the limited property maintenance required by this section; however, the requirements, restrictions and limitations imposed by other sections of this Code and applicable provisions of the land development code pertaining to environmental preservation, tree removal, change of grade, etc., shall be effective. In the event of any conflict between this section and any other provision of this Code or applicable provision of the land development code, the other sections of this Code or applicable provisions of the land development code shall prevail and govern.


    Abutting property owner maintenance of parkages. It shall be the duty of every owner of real property within the city to at all times cause to be cut and moved the grass and weeds, and to cause to be cut and trimmed the flowers, vines, shrubbery, and trees not exceeding six feet in height, in a manner that protects and promotes the public health, safety and welfare and presents an aesthetically pleasing appearance in those areas of the parkage most nearly abutting their properties. Parkages abutting improved residential or commercial lots shall be maintained as provided in subsection (d) of this section for improved residential lots. Parkages abutting unimproved residential lots shall be maintained as provided in subsection (e) of this section for the maintained portion of unimproved residential lots. "Parkage" is that space between the private property lot or survey line of the property owner and the paved or graded portion of the public street adjacent thereto and includes that area between a sidewalk and street. Every property owner shall also have the duty of removing any refuse or other debris existing within the adjacent parkage, but the placement of refuse for collection in a manner and in containers specified by other provisions of this Code is not prohibited.

(Code 1981, § 10-1; Ord. No. 1994-5, § 1, 3-15-94)