§ 42-80. General restrictions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person shall operate or cause to be operated any source of sound from any occupancy in such a manner as to create a sound level which exceeds the limits set forth for the use occupancy in table I of this section, when measured at or beyond the property boundary of the land use from which the sound emanates.


    Sound or noise projecting from one use district into another use district with a different noise level limit shall not exceed the limits of the district into which the noise is projected.


    Use occupancy category Time Sound level limit dBA
    Residential 7:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m. 60
    10:00 p.m.—7:00 a.m. 50
    Commercial or business 7:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m. 65
    10:00 p.m.—7:00 a.m. 55
    Manufacturing, industrial or agriculture All times 75
    Noise sensitive zone All times 55



    If the noise is not continuous, one or more of the corrections in table II below shall be subtracted from each of the decibel levels given in table I of this section:


    Type of Operation in Character of Noise
    (correction in decibels)

    Noise of impulsive character (hammering, drilling, power sawing etc.)—minus 5.

    Noise of periodic character occurring at regular intervals (hum, screech, etc.)—minus 5.

    * Only one of these corrections shall be applied to any one noise source.


    No person shall operate or be permitted to operate a vehicle at any time or under any condition of roadway grade, load, acceleration or deceleration in such a manner as to generate a sound level in excess of the following limit for the category of motor vehicle and applicable speed limit of a distance of 50 feet from the center of the lane of travel:


    For motorcycles other than motor-driven cycles:

    Sound level limit, 35 mph or less—78 dBA

    Sound level limit, over 35 mph—82 dBA


    For any motor vehicle of 10,000 pounds or more:

    Sound level limit, 35 mph or less—86 dBA

    Sound level limit, over 35 mph—90 dBA


    For motor-driven cycles and any other motor vehicle not included in subsections (1) or (2):

    Sound level limit, 35 mph or less—72 dBA

    Sound level limit, over 35 mph—79 dBA


    No person shall operate or cause to be operated any source of light from any occupancy in such a manner as to violate the light levels as follows:


    Any luminaire with a lamp or lamps rated at a total of more than 1800 lumens, and all flood or spot luminaires with a lamp or lamps rated at a total of more than 900 lumens, shall not emit any direct light, illuminance, or glare above the horizontal plane located at the lowest part of the luminaire; and


    To control light trespass onto adjacent properties, the measurement for light trespass shall be made at the property line from which such light is generated. The maximum vertical and/or horizontal illumination from a luminaire, shall be not greater than 0.5 footcandles.

(Ord. No. 2008-21, § 1, 8-19-08; Ord. No. 2013-13, § 2, 8-27-2013)