§ 42-114. Assessment of cost of demolition; lien on property.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon expiration of the 30-day right of appeal to the circuit court with no appeal having been taken, or, if appeal is taken, expiration of the 30-day period following the 30-day period for filing a claim of appeal to the district court of appeal, or following an emergency demolition authorized and conducted in accordance with section 42-115, unless otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city manager or his or her designee, after proceeding under this division, shall assess the entire cost of such vacation, demolition, removal or securing against the real property upon which such cost was incurred by recording a lien. The costs which may be assessed include the cost of rodent extermination where employed, all administrative costs (which shall include all costs related to any hearing before the special magistrate and the lien recording and releasing fee), postal expense, newspaper publication and other costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by the city, including attorney's fees and costs. Such costs when assessed shall constitute a lien upon such property and such lien shall bear interest from such date at the rate established by the comptroller of the state pursuant to F.S. § 55.03 and shall be enforceable if unsatisfied, after the expiration of one year from the date of recording such notice of lien, as other liens may be enforced by the city.


    In those instances where the owner has repaired, secured or demolished a structure or caused such work to be done as the result of having been determined to be in violation of this division, all costs described in subsection (a) of this section reasonably and necessarily incurred by the city shall be assessed against the property and such lien shall bear interest from such date at the rate established by the comptroller of the state pursuant to F.S. § 55.03 and shall be enforceable if unsatisfied, after the expiration of one year from the date of recording such notice of lien, as other liens may be enforced by the city.


    The city shall record a notice of lien in the public records of Volusia County. The notice of lien shall show the nature of such lien, the amount thereof, the names of persons having an ownership or other property interest of record and an accurate legal description of the property, which lien shall date from the date of recording of the notice of lien. Such lien shall bear interest from such date at the rate established by the comptroller of the state pursuant to F.S. § 55.03 and shall be enforceable if unsatisfied, after the expiration of one year from the date of recording such notice of lien, as other liens may be enforced by the city.