§ 46-59. Responses to false alarms; corrective action and reports required; fees charged.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Corrective action and report required. For each response by the police department to a false alarm, the owner or manager of the premises involved shall, within three days, make a written report to the police chief, on forms provided by him, setting forth the cause of the false alarm, the corrective action taken, the name, address and telephone number of the service man, if any, by whom the system has been inspected or repaired, and such other information as the department may reasonably require to determine the cause of the false alarm and what corrective action has been taken or may be necessary to prevent future false alarms.


    Fees charged. There shall be no fee charged for a first response to premises or for a second or third response within six months after a first response. For a fourth response to the premises within six months after a third response, and for all succeeding responses within six months of the last response, a fee of $50.00 for each such response shall be charged.


    Authority to disconnect. Upon a failure of an owner or manager of premises to pay any fee specified above within ten days after the occurrence for which the fee is charged, or upon a determination by the chief of police that any false alarm other than a false alarm to which a first response is made has resulted from a failure on the part of the owner or manager of the premises to take necessary corrective action, the police chief shall be authorized to disconnect the alarm system, and it shall be unlawful to reconnect such alarm system unless and until appropriate corrective action has been taken and such reconnection is authorized by the police chief; provided, however, that no disconnection or deactivation shall be ordered or made as to any premises required by law to have an alarm system in operation.

(Code 1981, § 13-56)