§ 50-33. Parks and recreation partners policies.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any organization seeking to become a parks and recreation partner shall apply to the recreation department and shall meet the following minimum eligibility requirements:


    Must be a non-profit organization registered with the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations.


    Must undergo background screening for all adults who will be working with children in the organization in accordance with F.S. §§ 934.0438, 435.03, and 435.04, as may be amended from time to time.


    Must offer physical, social or cultural activities for the community.


    Must have city residents for at least 50 percent of its participants.


    The following factors shall be considered in determining whether to approve or deny a parks and recreation partner request:


    The existing need for the services offered by the applicant.


    The services offered by the applicant do not result in the unnecessary duplication of services already being offered by the recreation department or others. Duplication of services may be acceptable depending on supply and demand for a particular service.


    The quality of services offered to residents of the city.


    Applications for parks and recreation partners shall be processed as follows:


    Applicant for parks and recreation partner shall submit an application, in writing, to the recreation department.


    The parks and recreation director, or his or her designee, shall review the application for completeness and minimum eligibility requirements, and may reject any applications which are incomplete or do not meet the minimum eligibility requirements.


    The parks and recreation director shall forward those completed applications which meet the minimum eligibility requirements to the parks and recreation advisory board with a recommendation of approval or denial.


    The parks and recreation advisory board shall review the application and the recommendation from the recreation director, and hear the presentation of the applicant at a regularly scheduled meeting.


    The parks and recreation advisory board shall make a recommendation to the city manager of approval or denial based on the criteria set forth in subsection (b).


    Prior to review by the city manager, the applicant shall execute the parks and recreation partner agreement which shall become effective upon approval by the city manager.


    The city manager shall either approve or deny the application, in writing, upon consideration of the recommendations of the recreation director and parks and recreation advisory board, and based on review of the criterion set forth in subsection (b).


    The applicant may appeal a denial by the city manager to the city council by filing written notice of appeal with the city clerk within ten days of the city manager's written denial. Such notice shall detail the grounds for appeal. Upon receiving a notice of appeal, the city clerk shall schedule the item for city council review on the next regularly scheduled meeting of city council. The decision of city council shall be final.


    Upon approval of a parks and recreation partner and in accordance with the parks and recreation partner agreement, the department shall provide the following assistance to parks and recreation partners:


    Provide facilities for activity on a first-priority use basis, other than when the facility is used by the department for its programs.


    Assist in promoting and publicizing the organization's program; this includes listing the activities in brochures, announcements, releases to the press, etc.


    Provide leadership assistance, consultation and other aid as needed.


    Parks and recreation partners shall adhere to the department's policies and procedures, as follows:


    Provide open membership to the public and give this membership priority to city residents.


    Promote the parks and recreation partner and its services to the best interest of the partner, the city, the department and the public.


    Follow the rules and regulations outlined in the parks and recreation partner agreement with the recreation department.

(Code 1981, § 14-22; Ord. No. 2016-2 , § 8, 3-15-2016)

Editor's note

Ord. No. 2016-2 , § 8, March 15, 2016, amended the catchline of § 50-33 to read as herein set out. Section 50-33 was formerly entitled "Special interest club co-sponsorship groups."