§ 54-27. Civil service board—Organization and procedure.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Composition and qualification. The city council shall appoint a three-member civil service board (the "board"). Each member of the board (the "member") shall be a qualified elector residing in the city. Members shall not hold any elective public office. Members shall not be employees of the city. Members may serve on other advisory boards of the city.


    Term. Members of the board shall be appointed for three-year terms. The initial appointments to the board shall be for terms expiring on May 16, 1984, May 16, 1985, and May 16, 1986. Thereafter all appointments shall be made for a term of three years. Members may be reappointed from term to term by the city council.


    Vacancies. Any member who is no longer a qualified elector residing in the city or who fails to attend two successive meetings without good cause shall immediately forfeit his appointment and the city council may determine a vacancy to exist, which shall be promptly filled by the city council. A member of the board may be removed from the board by the city council for cause upon written charges and after a public hearing before the city council. Appointments to fill any vacancy shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of the former member.


    Rules of order and procedure, minutes, clerical assistance. Subject to the approval of the board, the city manager shall prepare and submit such meeting rules and procedures as may be desirable and necessary to promote and effect the purposes, objectives and business of the board in an orderly, timely and productive manner. Minutes and records shall be maintained of all meetings and proceedings of the board. The city manager shall provide clerical and administrative assistance and personnel as may be reasonably required by the board for the proper performance of its duties.

(Code 1981, § 15-2)