§ 54-29. Civil service rules and regulations generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The city manager shall promulgate and administer rules and regulations for personnel administration in the manner provided in this article. Such rules and regulations should provide for:


    Selection procedures.


    Appointment procedures.


    Advancement procedures.


    Demotion procedures.


    Suspension procedures.


    Layoff procedures.


    Transfer procedures.


    Removal or termination procedures.


    Discipline and grievance procedures, including appeals to a higher administrative authority and to the civil service board as provided in this article.


    Position classification and pay plan.


    Probationary service.


    Performance evaluation plan.




    Standard work week.


    Scheduled work week.




    Compensation for overtime.




    Annual leave.


    Sick leave.


    Civil leave.


    Educational leave.


    Leave of absence without pay.


    Absence without leave.


    Disability leave.

    and such other general personnel policies as will effectuate the intent of this article.


    Rules and regulations, or amendments thereto, to be adopted pursuant to this article shall, except in the case of emergencies, be submitted to the city council for review at least 15 days prior to the implementation thereof. No formal action will be required by the city council prior to the implementation of rules and regulations hereunder. The city council may make such comments or suggestions regarding the proposed rules and regulations in a manner consistent with the provisions of the city charter or other ordinances regarding the respective powers and duties of the city council and city manager. In case of emergency, the city manager may immediately implement any rule and regulation and forthwith provide a copy of same to the city council with a written transmittal explaining the emergency.


    This article shall not restrict the city manager from establishing and rescinding, at his discretion, such management and administrative policies, guidelines, criteria, regulations and procedures as are necessary or desirable to effect his management responsibility for efficient and effective personnel administration so long as these are not inconsistent with this article or the city charter. All such management policies and procedures should be in written form.

(Code 1981, § 15-4)