§ 54-103. Reemployment after retirement.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any retiree under this system, except for disability retirement as previously provided for, may be reemployed by any public or private employer, except the city, and may receive compensation from that employment without limiting or restricting in any way the retirement benefits payable under this system. Reemployment by the city shall be subject to the limitations set forth in this section.


    After normal retirement. Any retiree who is retired under normal (or early) retirement pursuant to this system and who is reemployed as a firefighter and, by virtue of that reemployment, is eligible to participate in this system, shall upon being reemployed, discontinue receipt of benefits. Upon reemployment, the member shall be deemed to be fully vested and the additional credited service accrued during the subsequent employment period shall be used in computing a second benefit amount attributable to the subsequent employment period, which benefit amount shall be added to the benefit determined upon the initial retirement to determine the total benefit payable upon final retirement. Calculations of benefits upon retirement shall be based upon the benefit accrual rate, average final compensation, and credited service (and early retirement reduction factor, if applicable) as of that date and the retirement benefit amount for any subsequent employment period shall be based upon the benefit accrual rate, average final compensation (based only on the subsequent employment period and not including any period of DROP participation), and credited service (and early retirement reduction factor, if applicable) as of the date of subsequent retirement. The amount of any death or disability benefit received during a subsequent period of employment shall be reduced by the amount of accrued benefit eligible to be paid for a prior period of employment. The optional form of benefit and any joint pensioner selected upon initial retirement shall not be subject to change upon subsequent retirement except as otherwise provided herein, but the retiree may select a different optional form and joint pensioner applicable only to the subsequent retirement benefit.


    Any retiree who is retired under normal retirement pursuant to this system who is reemployed by the city in a position other than as a firefighter, shall upon being reemployed, continue receipt of benefits for the period of any subsequent employment period. Former DROP participants shall begin receipt of benefits under these circumstances.


    After early retirement. Any retiree who is retired under early retirement pursuant to this system and who subsequently becomes an employee of the city in any capacity, shall discontinue receipt of benefits from the system. If the reemployed person, by virtue of his reemployment, is eligible to participate in this system, that person shall accrue a second benefit as provided for in subsection (b) above and benefit payments shall remain suspended during any such subsequent employment period. If the reemployed person is not eligible to participate in this system, that person's pension benefit payments shall be suspended until the earlier of termination of employment or such time as the reemployed retiree reaches the date that he would have been eligible for normal retirement under this system had he continued employment and not elected early retirement. "Normal retirement" as used in this subsection shall be the current normal retirement date provided for under this system.


    Reemployment of terminated vested persons. Reemployed terminated vested persons shall not be subject to the provisions of this section until such time as they begin to actually receive benefits. Upon receipt of benefits, terminated vested persons shall be treated as normal or early retirees for purposes of applying the provisions of this section and their status as an early or normal retiree shall be determined by the date they elect to begin to receive their benefit.


    DROP participants. Members or retirees who were in the deferred retirement option plan shall have the options provided for in this section upon reemployment following DROP participation.

(Ord. No. 2007-29, § 1, 9-18-07)