§ 54-132. Pre-retirement survivor benefits.  

Latest version.
  • Any participant, whether or not still in active employment, who has a nonforfeitable (vested) right to any portion of the accrued benefit, and who dies prior to the commencement of benefits, shall have a survivor benefit payable on his behalf. The survivor benefit shall be payable to the participant's designated beneficiary. The amount of the survivor benefit shall be either:


    The benefits which were otherwise payable to the police officer had he survived and shall be payable upon the date the participant would have reached normal retirement age; or


    A monthly benefit which is the actuarial equivalent of such benefit which shall be payable upon the first day of the month following the participant's death, as elected by the designated beneficiary.


    In the event a member dies on or after January 1, 2007, while performing USERRA qualified military service, the beneficiaries of the member are entitled to any benefits (other than benefit accruals relating to the period of military service) as if the member had resumed employment and then died while employed.

(Ord. No. 1993-43, § 12, 9-28-93; Ord. No. 2010-23, § 3, 9-7-2010)