§ 54-146. Definitions.
§ 54-147. Participation.
§ 54-148. Participant's contribution accounts.
§ 54-149. Special provisions regarding amount of retirement income.
§ 54-150. Normal retirement and retirement income.
§ 54-151. Early retirement and retirement income.
§ 54-152. Disability retirement and retirement income.
§ 54-153. Benefit other than on retirement.
§ 54-154. Optional forms of retirement income.
§ 54-155. Payment of retirement income.
§ 54-156. Funding of benefits through purchase of insurance contract or contracts.
§ 54-157. Forfeitures and dividends.
§ 54-158. Benefits nonforfeitable if plan is terminated or contributions completely discontinued.
§ 54-159. Direct transfers of eligible rollover distributions.
§ 54-160. Miscellaneous provisions regarding participants.
§ 54-161. Claims procedure.
§ 54-162. Contributions.
§ 54-163. City's contributions irrevocable.
§ 54-164. Expenses of administration,
§ 54-165. Amendment of plan.
§ 54-166. Termination of plan.
§ 54-167. Administration: General fiduciary responsibilities.
§ 54-168. Retirement committee.
§ 54-169. Authority, duties and responsibilities of the retirement committee.
§ 54-170. Applicable law.
§ 54-171. Trust fund.
§ 54-172. Deferred retirement option program.
§ 54-173. Military service prior to employment.
§ 54-174. False, misleading, or fraudulent statements made to obtain retirement benefits prohibited; penalty.
§ 54-175. City of Port Orange Defined Contribution Retirement Plan.