§ 56-40. Contents of application.  

Latest version.
  • An application for an initial franchise or material modification of an existing franchise shall include all information required by this section:


    Applicant. Name, business address, business telephone number, and contact person of the applicant.


    Principals, officers, and related entities. The names, addresses, business telephone numbers, and offices or employment positions of all principals and officers of the applicant; all persons having a controlling interest in or holding more than 15 percent of the outstanding ownership interest in the applicant; and the parent, subsidiary or affiliate of the applicant. Proof that applicant's business is in good standing with the State of Florida, and, if not a Florida corporation, proof that applicant is qualified to do business in the State of Florida.


    Background experience of the applicant. A description or listing of the applicant's and its related entity's experience in the collection of construction and demolition debris including all current and proposed contracts for roll-off services; all franchises awarded to applicant, the status of those franchises, and all franchises applied for which were not granted during the previous five-year period; inventory of all trucks and equipment owned and/or operated by the applicant; description of the method of disposal including the location of all disposal facilities; certification that there is no unsatisfied or outstanding money judgment(s) against the applicant; certification that applicant has never been adjudicated in default on any government contract.


    Written response to selection criteria. Included with the application shall be a written response to the selection criteria set forth at section 56-42(c) of this article.

( Ord. No. 2015-9 , § 2, 3-17-2015)