§ 58-32. Exemptions.  

Latest version.
  • The following activities shall be exempt from the requirement to obtain a permit under this article:


    Installation of mailboxes, except mailboxes constructed of masonry or similar material or by methods more elaborate than a single post.


    Installation of sod or grass seed, or top dressing of lawns.


    Initial installation of utilities located in new subdivisions pursuant to a development order.


    Initial installation of utilities associated with a commercial site development plan specifically shown on design drawings pursuant to a development order.


    Installation of driveways pursuant to a building permit.


    Installation of landscaping material in compliance with section 58-41 of this article and city policy.


    Installation of utilities, signs, or other improvements by the city or its employees, agents or contractors.


    Minor work performed by employees of a franchised utility, provided that such minor work does not exceed a level of activity as follows:


    No paved surface is disturbed.


    No city utilities are disturbed.


    Sodded or grassed area to be disturbed does not exceed 20 square feet.


    No work extends under a paved surface, including boring or pushing utilities or sleeves under a paved surface.


    No specimen tree, as defined in chapter 9 of the land development code, is cut, removed, or otherwise disturbed.


    No excavation remains open longer than 72 hours, and all excavations are properly barricaded.

(Ord. No. 1992-27, § 3, 8-25-92; Ord. No. 1995-47, § 2, 1-16-96; Ord. No. 2018-13 , § 2, 8-7-2018)