§ 58-79. Fees and taxes for access to public rights-of-way.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A registrant that places or maintains communications facilities in the public rights-of-way shall be required to pay fees and taxes as required by applicable law and ordinances of the city, including this article.


    Pass-through providers shall pay to the city on an annual basis an amount equal to $500.00 per linear mile or portion thereof of communications facilities placed and/or maintained in the public rights-of-way. The amounts charged pursuant to this article shall be based on the linear miles of public rights-of-way or portion thereof, where communications facilities are placed, not based on a summation of the lengths of individual cables, conduits, strands or fibers.


    The city shall discontinue charging pass-through provider fees to a person that has ceased being a pass-through provider. Any annual amounts charged shall be reduced for a prorated portion of any 12-month period during which the pass-through provider remits communications services taxes imposed by the city pursuant to F.S. ch. 202, as amended.


    The initial amount of pass-through provider fees shall be paid prior to issuance of a permit to a pass-through provider based on the facilities authorized to be installed in the public rights-of-way pursuant to the permit. The amount due may be modified based upon the as-builts submitted by the pass-through provider. Subsequent annual payments of pass-through provider fees shall be due and payable on October 1 of each year. Fees not paid within ten days after the due date shall bear interest at the rate of one percent per month from the date due until paid. The acceptance of any payment required hereunder by the city shall not be construed as an acknowledgement that the amount paid is the correct amount due, nor shall such acceptance of payment be construed as a release of any claim which the city may have for additional sums due and payable. All fee payments shall be subject to audit by the city, and assessment or refund if any payment is found to be in error. If such audit results in an assessment by and an additional payment to the city, such additional payment shall be subject to interest at the rate of one percent per month until the date payment is made.


    If the payments required by this section are not made within 90 days after the due date, the city may withhold the issuance of any permits to the registrant until the amount past due is paid in full, in addition to any other remedies available pursuant to this article and applicable law, including, but not limited to, drawing upon a registrant's security fund and/or performance bond.


    The city may charge fees for registrations and to process applications for permits pursuant to this article to the extent not prohibited by applicable law.

(Ord. No. 2018-13 , § 3, 8-7-2018)