§ 70-2. Authority of chief of police relative to traffic generally.  

Latest version.
  • The chief of police of the city, except as otherwise directed by this chapter and except as otherwise directed from time to time by the city manager or the city council, or except as prohibited by law, shall have the power and is hereby authorized to make and enforce all rules and regulations governing traffic and the use of the streets of the city by vehicles and pedestrians, and the chief of police is given full power to designate through, stop, one-way and play streets, directions of traffic, time limits and locations for parking, reservation of parking places, temporary maximum and minimum speeds insofar as same shall not conflict with the laws of the state, to establish truck routes and stop crossings, and to install such street signs, traffic control devices and indicators and markings as shall be necessary or advisable for the operation and enforcement of such rules and regulations. The existence of signs, signals and markings, duly installed by the chief of police, or under his authority, shall be sufficient proof of the existence of the regulations.

(Code 1981, § 19-1)

State law reference

Similar provisions, F.S. § 316.640(3).