§ 70-70. Criteria and procedure for establishing RDP areas.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A section of the city shall be eligible for designation as an RDP area based upon the following criteria and procedures:


    The city council shall request or the city manager may conduct, upon his own initiative or upon receipt of a petition from a majority of the property owners or residents, if the property owner is not available, in such a proposed area, a study to determine if the proposed area meets the criteria established by this article. Following the study and upon approval by the city council, the area shall constitute a designated RDP area.


    In determining whether a proposed area identified is eligible for designation as an RDP area, the city manager or his designee and the city council shall consider any relevant factors which include but are not limited to the following:


    The extent of the desire and need of the property owners and/or residents for an RDP area as evidenced by receipt of verified petitions as provided for in this section;


    The extent to which legal on-street parking spaces are occupied by motor vehicles during the period proposed for parking regulations;


    The extent to which vehicles parking in the area during the period proposed for parking regulations are other vehicles rather than vehicles of the residents; and


    The extent to which motor vehicles registered to persons residing in the area cannot be accommodated by the number of available off-street parking spaces.


    Following the approval of the designation of an RDP area, the city manager or his designee shall cause the regulation to be recorded upon an appropriate map and available to the public in the community development department. In addition, the city manager or his designee shall cause parking signs to be erected upon the public streets in the area, indicating the times, locations and conditions upon which parking shall be by decal or placard only. When an area has been approved, designated and posted as an RDP area, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this article to park a vehicle in an area without displaying a valid parking decal or placard.


    The city council shall have the right to repeal the designation of an RDP area by repealing the resolution creating the RDP area.

(Ord. No. 2011-13, § 2, 9-20-11)