§ 74-32. System extensions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Where water service is requested within the city limits but beyond the limits of the present distribution system, the water department shall install a main to the property line if the property is located within 100 feet of an existing water distribution line. Where more than 100 feet of water line is required, the person requesting such service shall pay all costs in connection therewith. All extensions shall be made by or under the supervision of the city manager or his designee, in accordance with other applicable city codes.


    Where extension of the water distribution system outside the city limits is requested, the owner shall furnish and install, at his expense, an adequate water distribution system and necessary appurtenances thereto including connection to the city supply. He shall have plans and specifications prepared by a registered professional engineer showing the proposed facilities, which plans and specifications shall meet with the approval of the FDEP and shall be approved in writing by the city manager or his designee. The city may have an inspector on the project when deemed necessary during the construction period and he shall be authorized to enforce the construction of work in accordance with approved plans covering the same. If any change is required in the plans during the period for such construction such change must first be approved by the city manager or his designee. Upon completion of the work and approval by the FDEP, the owner shall notify the city in writing. Upon receipt of such notification, the city manager or his designee shall make final inspection of the construction work. If all work is found to be satisfactorily completed, the city has received as-built drawings per city standards, the city has received release of liens, and maintenance warranty documents then the owner shall convey to the city all right, title and interest in and to the pipes of the distribution system, together with all easements which may be required in order for the city to properly maintain and repair such distribution system. The city shall accept the improvements upon completion of all of the foregoing requirements. After all of the requirements as set forth herein are met, the city will furnish water to the distribution system to serve the property.

(Code 1981, § 20-14; Ord. No. 2008-41, § 4, 1-20-09)