§ 74-156. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Beneficiaries of drainage service means all developed real properties within the city which benefit by the provision of maintenance, operation and improvement of the stormwater control system. Such benefits may include, but are not limited to, the provision of adequate systems of collection, conveyance, detention, treatment and release of stormwater, the reduction of hazard to property and life resulting from stormwater runoff, improvement in general health and welfare through reduction of undesirable stormwater conditions and improvements to the water quality in the storm and surface water system and its receiving waters.

    Commercial unit means any building or facility used other than as a dwelling unit or for industrial purposes and which has not been converted to equivalent dwelling units.

    Contributors of drainage waters shall include all developed real properties within the city.

    Developed means any property altered in appearance by removal of vegetation, grading of the ground surface and construction of a structure or impervious surface.

    Director means the director of the stormwater drainage utility, appointed or designated by the city manager.

    Dwelling unit means single-family unit or multiple dwelling unit located within a parcel and occupied for residential purposes as defined in Section 74-156.

    Fee means the stormwater drainage utility fee enacted herein and set by resolution.

    Hydrologic response means the manner and means by which stormwater collects upon real property and is conveyed from real property, and which is a function dependent upon a number of interacting factors, including, but not limited to, topography, vegetation, surficial geologic conditions, antecedent soil moisture conditions and groundwater conditions. The principal measures of the hydrologic system may be stated in terms of total runoff volume, as a percentage of total precipitation which runs off, or in terms of the peak rate of flow generated in the event of a storm of given duration and intensity, or statistical interval of return (frequency).

    Impervious surfaces means those hard-surfaced areas which either prevent or retard the entry of water into soil mantle, as it entered under natural conditions prior to development, and/or cause water to run off the surface in greater quantities or at an increased rate of flow from that present under natural conditions prior to development. Common impervious surfaces include, but are not limited to, areas and other surfaces which similarly impact the natural infiltration or runoff patterns which existed prior to development, including impacts to normal water in ponds and lakes. The following surfaces are considered impervious:

    Apartment detached;


    Block enclosed pool;

    Block wall;



    Carport finished;

    Carport residential;

    Carport unfinished;

    Community swimming pool adult;

    Community swimming pool children;

    Cooler walk-in;

    Crypts, mausoleum;

    Enclosed porch fin masonry;

    Enclosed porch fin wood;

    Finished pool enclosure;

    Finished enclosed porch;

    Garage masonry finished;

    Garage wood finished;

    Garage wood unfinished;

    Garage, masonry unfinished;


    Glass wall enclosure;

    Grand stand concrete;


    In ground shelter;

    Loading platform covered;

    Loading platform uncovered;

    Open porch finished;

    Open porch unfinished;

    Patio/concrete slab;

    Paving asphalt (grade est. by size);

    Paving concrete (grade est. by size);

    Pole barn;

    Pool enclosure, wood/block;

    Pump island;

    Racquetball court;

    Reinforced concrete silo;

    Rest room facility;

    Screen enclosure residential;

    Screen enclosure structure;

    Screen porch finished;

    Screen porch residential;

    Screen porch unfinished;

    Stable, racing;

    Storage building;

    Storage building masonry;

    Storage building wood;

    Tennis court;

    Tennis court light;

    Unfinished enclosed porch;

    Unfinished residential utility;

    Vinyl enclosed porch;

    Warehouse prefab.

    Multiple dwelling unit means a building or facility consisting of more than one dwelling unit, each such unit consisting of one or more rooms with bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for residential occupancy by one family, where the units are not sold or deeded as single-family units.

    Open drainageway means a natural or manmade open-cut which has the specific function of transmitting natural stream water or storm runoff water from a point of higher elevation to a point of lower elevation, such as swales, ditches, canals, streams and creeks.

    Peak flow means the highest momentary rate of water flow, measured or estimated in cubic feet of water per second. It is differentiated from total flow volume by the introduction of a unit of time measure during which the maximum rate of flow is measured, calculated or estimated.

    Runoff control means any means approved by the city engineer by which the peak rate of stormwater runoff from developed land surfaces is reduced and the erosion created by stormwater is reduced.

    Single-family unit (SFU) means one or more rooms with bathroom and kitchen facilities designed for occupancy by one family such as townhouses, condominiums, zero lot-line and any other unit for residential purposes, etc., where the units are sold and deeded as single-family units.

    Total flow means the accumulative volume of water discharged from a property, basin or watershed. The total flow is quantified in measures such as acre feet or cubic feet of water.

    Utility means the stormwater drainage utility created hereby.

(Code 1981, § 20-106; Ord. No. 2016-13 , § 1, 8-2-2016)

Cross reference

Definitions and rules of construction generally, § 1-2.