§ 74-160. Appeal of impervious surface calculation.  

Latest version.
  • Any person disagreeing with the calculation of impervious surface as determined by the utility may appeal such determination to the city engineer. Any appeal must be filed in writing and shall include a survey prepared by a registered surveyor showing total property area and impervious surface area. Based upon the information provided by the utility and appealing party, the engineer shall make a final calculation of impervious surface. The city engineer shall notify the parties, in writing, of his decision. If still dissatisfied, a party may request, in writing, a review by the city manager of the city engineer's decision. Such request must cite specific error by the city engineer and the calculation which the party feels is correct. The city manager shall review the record presented and render a written decision as soon as practical. He may request additional information from either party. If still dissatisfied, a party may appeal the city manager's decision to the city council in the same manner as preceding. The decision of the city council shall be final.

(Code 1981, § 20-109)