§ 74-198. Extension of service.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    City-installed mains. The city, in response to state permitting requirements, may from time to time install pipelines in individual areas for the benefit of the overall reclaimed water system. The installation on a specific street does not obligate the city to provide service mains on other streets in the subdivision. All customers voluntarily requesting and receiving approval by the city to receive reclaimed water service shall be required to pay the prevailing user charge upon the city making the service connection available.


    Developer-installed mains. The developer of new subdivisions may elect, subject to approval from the city, to install reclaimed water distribution lines for the provision of utility service. These mains shall be the property of the city. Connected customers shall be required to pay the prevailing user charge. Refer to chapter 11 of the land development code and the city's current fee resolution for additional information.

(Ord. No. 1994-33, § 1(III), 11-1-94; Ord. No. 2008-41, § 57, 1-20-09)