§ 74-199. Obtaining service.  

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  • (a)

    Application for connection to adjoining distribution main.


    Reclaimed water service will be applied for at city hall by completing and signing an application form. A connection fee and meter deposit must be prepaid and payment must accompany the signed application form. On single-family residences this fee includes the cost for the city to also install a backflow prevention device at the potable water meter. The amount of this fee shall be established by the city's current fee resolution.


    Applications for reclaimed water services shall be accompanied by a fully dimensioned scaled site plan showing the proposed service location. The service location shall be a minimum of five feet from a potable water meter.


    The city will attempt to the best of its ability to deliver an adequate supply of reclaimed water of good quality at all times. However, the city does not guarantee an adequate supply of reclaimed water of good quality at all times. The customer shall be required to complete a hold harmless agreement as part of the application for the connection.


    State and county requirements. Application for all reclaimed water services within the county- or state-maintained rights-of-way shall include a dimensional location plan as required by the state department of transportation and the county council. Acquiring state and county permits will be the responsibility of the interested party who is attempting to acquire service to an area, be it a developer, a homeowner, or the city itself.


    Submission of plans; irrigation systems. Applications for reclaimed water services shall include a drawing showing the proposed reclaimed water service size and meter location. If an irrigation system is proposed, it will consist of an underground system with permanently placed sprinkler devices. All systems including devices and materials used for cross connection control must be approved by the city manager or his designee. The irrigation system requested to be permitted through the County of Volusia will be complete, tested and approved prior to connection to the city system. Temporary systems will not be considered for connection. The system may include devices such as hose bibs, hose bib boxes, faucets or other connections with controlled access via an underground locked box or locked valves.




    All existing and future reclaimed connections shall be metered [and] all meters for the reclaimed water system shall be installed by the city and charged to the customer. All reclaimed water meters installed below ground must be enclosed by an appropriate meter box. Larger meters installed above ground shall be installed as directed by the city manager or his designee per the city standard construction details.


    For applications requesting the use of reclaimed water for cooling or process use, the metered consumption of reclaimed water for cooling or process use will be assessed a sewer charge when this water is discharged to the sewer system.


    Reclaimed [water service] meters. All service connections to the reclaimed water system shall have a city-owned lockable reclaimed water meter and lockable valve at the service connection point. All valves and water meters shall have the ability to be secured with an appropriate lock and have the city system logo clearly imprinted on the lid. City responsibility for maintenance will stop at this control valve and reclaimed water meter.


    Cross connection control.


    On all premises where reclaimed water service or another source of nonpotable water exists or is provided, the public potable water supply shall be protected by an approved backflow prevention device. In all premises where there is a reclaimed water supply or other auxiliary water supply, there shall be no cross connection between such potable or nonpotable supply and the consumer's city supplied potable water system. All devices and materials installed for cross connection protection, shall be subject to the approval of the city manager or his designee and shall be installed at the customer's expense. Where a cross connection is found to exists it shall be disconnected by the customer. If the customer fails to disconnect immediately, the city shall immediately discontinue potable water and reclaimed water service at the point of supply. Before reconnection of service is granted, the public water system shall be reinspected to verify that cross connection has been eliminated, that it has been protected against the possibility of future illegal cross connections, and that a proper backflow prevention device has been installed, tested and accepted to the city manager or his designee. Additional backflow prevention devices may be required as specified by the city manager or his designee and installed at the customer's expense.


    To determine the presence of any potential hazards to the public potable water system, the Volusia County Health Department and the city shall have the right to enter upon the premises of any customer. Each customer of reclaimed water service, shall, by application, give prior written consent to such entry upon his premises.


    Backflow prevention devices shall be governed by section 74-241 et seq., cross connection control.

(Ord. No. 1994-33, § 1(IV), 11-1-94; Ord. No. 2008-41, § 58, 1-20-09)