§ 74-202. Reclaimed water system protocol.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Use categories. The use categories for reclaimed water customers shall include residential user, institutional user and major user, defined as follows:


    Institutional user shall mean multi-family property, schools, commercial property, governmental property, churches, and other properties, which are not covered by either residential user category or major user category.


    Major user shall mean any property which utilizes 175 gallons per minute or more, or 100,000 gallons per day or more, including but not limited to Cypress Head Golf Course, Crane Lakes Golf Course and Port Orange City Hall complex.


    Residential user shall mean single-family lots, duplex lots, mobile home lots, and other properties, which are privately owned and maintained as residential land uses.


    Requirements for use of reclaimed water. Reclaimed water customers shall be permitted to irrigate with reclaimed water or withdraw reclaimed water in compliance with all requirements applicable to the use category as defined in this section and in compliance with the availability standard established in accordance with this section.


    Availability standards. The availability standards shall include standards for environmental preservation and for conservation of reclaimed water. The city manager or his designee shall be authorized to establish the availability standard that the city shall require and enforce within the city's jurisdictional boundaries and to amend the availability standards, from time to time, consistent with the provisions of this section. The city manager shall select the applicable standard based upon data provided by the public utilities department and other available reclaimed water resources and operational conditions, including current weather conditions, anticipated weather patterns, reclaimed water demand, reclaimed water use patterns, system draw down restrictions, system surplus volume, interruptible customer service restrictions, system operational efficiency, production capability, reclaimed reservoir capacity, availability of storm and groundwater augmentation sources, and other agency regulatory restrictions. The city shall issue a notice of proposed change in the availability standards prior to changing the standard. The notice shall be included in the city utility bill for reclaimed water customers and shall state the effective date of the proposed change. The notice shall be mailed at least ten days in advance of the effective date of such change. In the event of a system outage resulting from severe weather conditions or emergency conditions, the city shall provide notice after the event to its customers as soon as reasonably possible using public service announcements.


    Environmental preservation standard. The environmental preservation standard (EPS) shall be required at varying times throughout the year based upon seasonal and operational conditions of the reclaimed water system. During the EPS period, reclaimed water is generally abundant and available for distribution to the reclaimed customers. During exceptional periods when the reclaimed reservoir approaches its maximum capacity allowed by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection operating permit; or the operation approaches its maximum capacity pursuant to the St. Johns Water Management District's consumptive use permit; or the reclaimed water plant reaches 75 percent of its allotted discharge to the Halifax River in its Florida Department of Environmental Protection operating permit; the city manager will have the authority to suspend reclaimed water system user charges other than the minimum monthly charges to all users in the current rate resolution to increase consumption. This standard reduces discharge of reclaimed water to the Halifax River.


    Conservation standard. The conservation standard (CS) shall be required at varying times throughout the year, generally during drought conditions or system operations that reduce the availability of the reclaimed water surplus. The CS shall restrict the number of hours that a customer may use reclaimed water to irrigate or otherwise withdraw from the system.


    Time period restrictions for environmental preservation standards. The reclaimed water customer shall be permitted to use reclaimed water, in accordance with the EPS, only during the time period specified for the customer's use category as follows:


    From 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m. for EPS


    Residential user may use reclaimed water for automated or manual irrigation according to the street address as follows:


    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

    Even number address


    Monday, Wednesday, Saturday

    Odd number address


    Institutional user shall not use irrigation (manual or automated).


    Major user shall not make withdrawals from city system.


    From 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for EPS as follows:


    Residential user may not use automated irrigation. Testing of automated systems and hand watering shall be permitted.


    Institutional user shall not use irrigation (manual or automated).


    Major user may fill private storage tanks and/or on-site lakes.


    Alternate times and/or quantities by major users other than those specified require prior written approval with city public utilities department director.


    From 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight for EPS as follows:


    Residential user may not use irrigation (manual or automated). Testing of automated systems and hand watering permitted.


    Institutional user may use irrigation (manual or automated) and hand watering permitted according to the street address as follows:


    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

    Even number address


    Monday, Wednesday, Saturday

    Odd number address


    Major user shall not withdraw from city system except by prior written approval with the city public utilities department director. City tanks shall continue to be filled and topped off and made ready for the maximum withdrawal period between 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m.


    Time period restrictions for conservation standards. The reclaimed water customer shall be permitted to use reclaimed water, in accordance with the conservation standards, only during the time period specified for the customer's use category as follows:


    From 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m. for CS as follows:


    Residential user may use reclaimed water for automated or manual irrigation according to the street address as follows:


    Sunday and Thursday

    Even number address


    Wednesday and Saturday

    Odd number address


    Institutional user shall not use irrigation (manual or automated).


    Major user shall not make withdrawals from city system.


    From 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for CS as follows:


    Residential user may not use automated irrigation. Testing of automated systems and hand watering shall be permitted.


    Institutional user shall not use irrigation (manual or automated).


    Major user may fill private storage tanks and/or on-site lakes.


    Alternate times and/or quantities by major users other than those specified require prior written approval with city public utilities department director. City owned reclaimed water storage tanks are filled at this time.


    From 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight for CS as follows:


    Residential user may not use irrigation (manual or automated). Testing of automated systems and hand watering permitted.


    Institutional user may use irrigation (manual or automated) and hand watering permitted according to the street address as follows:


    Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

    Even number address


    Wednesday and Saturday

    Odd number address


    Major user shall not withdraw from city system except by prior written approval with the city public utilities department director. City tanks shall continue to be filled and topped off and made ready for maximum withdrawal period between 12:00 midnight to 8:00 a.m.

(Ord. No. 1999-18, § 1, 5-18-99; Ord. No. 2007-28, § 1, 7-17-07; Ord. No. 2008-41, § 61, 1-20-09; Ord. No. 2013-23, § 1, 11-5-2013; Ord. No. 2014-11, § 1, 4-15-2014)