§ 82-2. Rights of city on property abutting public waterways.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Whenever a public street or thoroughfare is laid out or existing in the city abutting or touching a waterway open to public use, the city as trustee for the public has and owns riparian rights at such place where such public street or thoroughfare abuts or touches the waterway. The city shall have the right to regulate the use of the waters adjacent to such place, and to construct docks, public landings, piers or wharves at such places.


    Wherever a street, laid out and existing in the city, ends at a waterway in the city the portion of such dead-end street abutting the waterway is hereby declared to be public property, and the city shall have the right to regulate the use of the waters adjacent to such place and to construct docks, public landings, piers or wharves at such place.


    When any plat is filed for record showing streets dedicated to public use laid out, touching or abutting any waterways used by the public, it is hereby declared that the portion of such dedicated street touching or abutting upon waterways in the city shall be public property, and the city shall own and hold same for the use of the public, and shall enact rules and regulations governing the use of same.

(Code 1981, § 22-2)

State law reference

Authority to regulate activities on property owned by the city, F.S. § 370.102.