§ 14-267. Threshold building inspector and inspections generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Prior to the issuance of a building permit for and/or commencement of construction of a threshold building, the owner of real property desiring to build a threshold building shall retain the services of a design professional to provide special inspection services during the construction of the threshold building in accordance with F.S. § 553.79(5). The design professional shall also provide certification of construction upon completion of construction of, and prior to the actual occupancy and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for, any threshold building, all in accordance with F.S. § 553.79(7)(a). The owner shall require that the design professional perform his services as prescribed herein and in accordance with all applicable state laws. The design professional shall, in addition to duties specifically set forth herein, perform or cause to be performed all duties required of a special inspector under F.S. § 553.79(5).


    The owner shall require that the design professional inspect or cause to be inspected, and the design professional shall inspect or cause to be inspected, all structural components of a threshold building which components are related to the public health, safety or welfare. The inspector shall be present during any time when such components of the buildings are being constructed. If the inspection is made by other than the design professional, such inspector shall be a person certified, licensed or registered under the Building Officials' Association of Florida, the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., the Council of American Building Officials, a person registered under F.S. ch. 471, as an engineer or a person registered under F.S. ch. 481 as an architect.


    The owners shall require that the design professional maintain, and the design professional shall maintain, adequate written records of the performance of special inspection services on the threshold building at the actual job site during construction and such records shall be available for inspection by the owner, contractor, subcontractors, and all regulatory agencies, including the city.


    The owner shall require that the design professional shall permanently retain, and the design professional shall permanently retain, after completion of the threshold building and the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all such records as are provided for in subsection (c) above at his permanent place of practice.


    The owner shall require that, and the design professional, upon completion of the building and upon application for a certificate of occupancy from the city, shall certify to the city that, the construction of all structural components that are related to the public health, safety or welfare were inspected at any time when such components were being constructed and that the person performing such inspection was qualified as a special inspector in accordance with the law.


    The owner and design professional, upon completion of the building and upon application for a certificate of occupancy from the city, shall file a certificate with the city, as prepared by the design professional, certifying that, to the best of his knowledge, the construction of the threshold building complies with the applicable codes and the intent and the design specified in the permitted documents.


    The owner shall submit with his application for a building permit a true copy of a written agreement with a design professional providing for the services above and providing for adequate compensation for all special inspection services to be rendered. The owner shall cease all work on the project at any time that the design professional is not rendering the services provided for herein and in the agreement. If the design professional resigns or is terminated from such capacity regarding the threshold building, the owner shall cease all work until a successor design professional is retained and a true copy of a written agreement with the successor design professional is provided to the city. The owner and successor design professional shall be responsible for providing all of the certifications for the total construction as required in subsection (e) above. The owner and design professional shall notify the city in writing immediately and no later than 24 hours of any temporary or permanent cessation of special inspection services to the threshold building.

(Code 1981, § 6-291)