§ 2-297. Federal revenue sharing budget.  

Latest version.
  • The federal revenue sharing budget of the city shall be adopted according to the following procedure and such other procedures as mandated by the terms of the federal revenue sharing program. In the event of any conflict between this section and the requirements mandated by the federal revenue sharing program the latter shall apply.


    Budget hearing. The city council shall have at least one public hearing on revenue sharing funds prior to adopting the budget. The hearing shall be held at a date, place and time to permit and encourage public attendance and participation. Citizens shall be given a reasonable opportunity during the hearing to ask questions concerning the entire budget and the relationship of revenue sharing funds to that budget, as well as to express their views either verbally or in writing. At least ten days prior to the budget hearing, the proposed uses of revenue sharing funds, a summary of the entire proposed budget, and notice of the time and place of the hearing must be published in at least one newspaper of general circulation. This material must also be available for public inspection.


    Documentation and record keeping. Minutes and tapes of the budget hearing should be maintained for a period of no less than three years in the event that a question is raised regarding compliance with these requirements.


    Publication, publicity and public inspection requirements:


    Budget hearing. The budget hearing notice shall contain the following:


    Date, time and place of public hearing.


    The right of citizens attending the hearing to provide written and oral comments and to ask questions regarding the entire budget and the relationship of revenue sharing to the entire budget.


    The proposed use of revenue sharing funds in context to the budget.


    A summary of the entire proposed budget.


    The location where the above information, including a copy of the entire proposed budget, is available for public inspection.


    Publication requirements after budget adoption. Within 30 days after the adoption of the budget, a summary of the adopted budget showing the intended use of revenue sharing funds must be available for public inspection and notice of its availability must be published in a newspaper of general circulation.


    Use report publication requirements. A notification that the use report is available for public inspection must be published in a local newspaper of general circulation. The notification must specify the location and hours during which the report and supporting documents are available to the public. A copy of the use report and documentation to support it is to be available for public inspection within ten days after the report is filed.


    Adoption and amendment by resolution. The revenue sharing budget shall be adopted by resolution of the city council after compliance with the foregoing requirements. Amendments to the revenue sharing budget shall be by resolution of the city council after compliance with requirements mandated by the federal revenue sharing program, if any.

(Code 1981, § 8-57)