§ 50-32. Athletics/sports.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    As a matter of policy, athletic facilities under the operating responsibility of the recreation department are intended primarily for public recreation use in connection with the recreation department's programs. The athletic facilities are not intended to be used as a designated permanent site for continuous rentals by any single individual, group or organization. The recreation department encourages use of the athletic facilities according to the following priority:


    Recreation department operations.


    Parks and recreation partners.


    Non-profit organizations (i.e., Scouts) open to citywide membership, without regard to religious or other membership requirements, aimed at promoting and facilitating physical, social or cultural activities for the community.


    Private individuals, groups or organizations utilizing the facility for a non-profit-generating recreational, social or cultural activity.


    Private individuals, groups or organizations utilizing the facility for a profit-generating activity (i.e., personal trainers or instructors).


    Athletic facility use for organized activities and events requires a permit. Application for any athletic facility permit shall be made with the recreation department.


    Athletic facilities shall be used for games, sports and other athletic activities. Those requesting a facility for other uses must obtain written permission from the parks and recreation department.


    Rules and regulations adopted by the recreation department shall be adhered to at all times, and any infraction of these rules or city ordinances may cause cancellation of the event in progress as well as hinder the ability to obtain permits for future events.


    No admission charges shall be permissible at any athletic facility except as expressly authorized by the city council.


    The following regulations apply to the rental of athletic facilities:


    Reservation of fields or courts and payment of the applicable fees shall be made in person at the recreation department and must be at least five days in advance of and no earlier than six months prior to the scheduled athletic activity.


    For regular practice sessions, reservation of fields or courts shall be made on a first-come, first-served basis.


    In the event of rain during a reserved time, the recreation department may:


    Issue a new reservation upon presentation of the original permit; or


    Refund the rental fee for the unused field or court.


    For a reservation to be effective, the permit shall be in the possession of an individual or team at the field or court during the time of use.


    Reserved field rentals do not include field preparation or maintenance. Field preparation services may be requested upon payment of the corresponding fee established by resolution of the city council.


    No refund or credit shall be allowed for field preparation once the labor has been completed.


    No signs shall be erected without written permission from the recreation department.


    Individuals, groups or organizations holding permits shall assume full responsibility for any damage to properties of the city and for the negligent conduct of those in the group or organization using the athletic facility.


    Rental fees, charges and deposits for athletic facilities shall be established by resolution of the city council, and shall be paid at least five days prior to the rental date.


    A facility use agreement shall be required for any athletic facility rental that is open to the public. The facility use agreement shall require the applicant to:


    Provide insurance with the city named as additional insured, with the amount of coverage acceptable to the city, which shall be in a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury and $500,000.00 for property damage; provided, however, that the city's risk manager may require these amounts to be increased for activities involving greater risk;


    Indemnify the city;


    Refrain from making alterations to the electrical, lighting, sound and structural components of the facility center without prior written consent of the facility supervisor; and


    Comply with the requirements of this section and the policies and procedures implementing this section promulgated by the city council and recreation department.


    The following additional regulations apply to the rental of athletic facilities for tournaments and all-day use:


    A request for each tournament shall be submitted in writing to the recreation department prior to the reservation of any dates.


    The request shall include the following information:


    Purpose of the tournament.


    Names and telephone numbers of the organizers.


    Prospective dates of the tournament.


    Name and address of the sponsoring organization.


    If the organizers are not employees of the sponsoring organization, the request shall include a letter of acknowledgment and approval from the organization.


    A facility use agreement shall be executed and submitted to the recreation department at least 30 days prior to the anticipated dates.


    The facility use agreement shall require the following from the applicant:


    Provide a deposit in an amount established by resolution of the city council;


    Provide insurance with the city named as additional insured, with the amount of coverage acceptable to the city, which shall be in a minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 for bodily injury and $500,000.00 for property damage; provided, however, that the city's risk manager may require these amounts to be increased for activities involving greater risk;


    Indemnify the city;


    Refrain from making alterations to the electrical, lighting, sound and structural components of the facility center without prior written consent of the facility supervisor; and


    Comply with the requirements of this section and the policies and procedures implementing this section promulgated by the city council and recreation department.


    Cancellations may be initiated by renter party 14 days prior to scheduled use with a full refund of the deposit. Cancellations made by the renter within 14 days of the scheduled use shall result in forfeiture of the entire deposited amount. The recreation department will issue notices as far in advance as possible, but reserves the right to make later cancellations in the case of extreme necessity or unforeseen circumstances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the city's liability for cancellation of any athletic facility use shall be limited to the return of deposited funds along with any other applicable rental fees and charges paid by the applicant in anticipation of the use.


    No dates shall be reserved prior to the execution of the facility use agreement.


    Field rentals for tournaments do not include field preparation or maintenance. Field preparation services may be requested upon payment of the corresponding fee established by resolution of the city council.

(Code 1981, § 14-21; Ord. No. 1990-31, § 3, 9-18-90; Ord. No. 2016-2 , § 7, 3-15-2016; Ord. No. 2017-8 , § 1, 4-18-2017)