§ 74-36. Portable water meters.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Individuals or firms such as lawn spraying services, pest control services or construction companies may request permission from the finance director with the concurrence of the city manager or his designee to connect a portable water meter/backflow preventer assembly, supplied by the city or supplied by the customer and approved by the city, to city fire hydrants or other city-approved sources. Water consumed by the customer shall be billed at the applicable commercial rate. Meter charges, deposits and other applicable fees shall be as established by resolution of the city council. Any customer using such water in connection with the mixing of chemicals or any other hazardous substance (such as pest control services) shall provide their vehicles or connection equipment with an air gap, so as to ensure that no possibility exists for the backflow of such chemicals, mixture or hazardous substances into the city water facilities under any possible circumstances, including, but not limited to, loss of waterline pressure.


    If portable water meters are destroyed, damaged, or abused, the finance director or designee shall notify the utility customer that all future connections to the city water system of any nature shall be made only by city staff and that any future use of portable meters by such utility customer is prohibited. Where abuse has been determined, the utility account established by the customer for a portable meter shall be closed, and the meter and backflow prevention device shall be returned to the city immediately.

(Code 1981, § 20-18; Ord. No. 2008-41, § 8, 1-20-09)