§ 74-249. Maintenance, testing and inspection of backflow prevention devices.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Each property owner and customer required to have a backflow prevention device shall be responsible for having the device inspected and tested annually by a certified backflow prevention device tester, with the customer and owner jointly and severally responsible for paying the cost of inspection and testing of all backflow prevention devices installed on the property. Backflow prevention devices on domestic or irrigation water lines may only be inspected by a licensed plumbing contractor or a certified backflow inspector working under the direct supervision of a licensed plumbing contractor, except for inspections conducted on behalf of the city by certified backflow inspectors employed by the city. Backflow prevention devices on fire protection systems may only be inspected and tested by a certified fire protection contractor, pursuant to F.S. § 633.216.


    Any such backflow device tester shall have attended and successfully completed one or more of the following certification programs: Training, Research and Education for Environmental Occupations (TREEO) certification program for backflow prevention device testers, Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association Backflow Tester Certification, or the Division of the State Fire Marshal Bureau of Standards and Training Certified Fire Service Backflow Testing Program, and shall keep current and keep on file with the public utilities department a copy of such certificate.


    Each owner and customer shall be jointly and severally responsible for the inspection and maintenance of their own backflow prevention device(s), shall file each year with the city manager or his designee a statement or test certification from a certified tester that each device has been inspected and that it is working properly, except as otherwise provided in subsection (d) below. Such statement shall be filed no later than one year from the date of filing the previous statement. In the event the property owner and customer fail to comply with this section, the public utilities director shall be authorized to take remedial action pursuant to section 74-245, including, but not limited to, immediate disconnection of the premises from the city water system until such time as the required statement or test certification is provided. If a statement or test certification is not received from the owner or the customer on or before the required date, a notice will be sent to the owner and the customer by the city allowing a reasonable time for the inspection and test certification of the device to be completed. If no inspection or service documentation has been received by the city from the owner or the customer after the time set for such inspection and testing, the city shall be authorized to take remedial action pursuant to section 74-245, including, but not limited to, immediate disconnection of service to the premises from the city water system until such time as an inspection or test certification is properly filed.


    For single-family residential structures, the city or its contractor shall test those required backflow prevention devices which are located within a utility easement or public right-of-way on an annual basis in accordance with the city's Cross Connection Control Manual, and shall repair or replace those backflow prevention devices, as needed. The city shall retain all test certifications for each device in accordance with the appropriate retention schedule for public records. A monthly charge, as established by resolution of city council, shall be imposed on each customer with a single-family residence so served to cover the costs of inspection, repair and replacement of the required backflow prevention device.

(Ord. No. 2010-10, § 1, 6-15-10; Ord. No. 2017-24 , § 1, 8-1-2017)